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- Philip Jones and Neil Drury on 10th July 2013 Al-Hijrah School Electricity Teachers CPD
- Philip Jones and Neil Drury on 11th July 2013 Bidford School Y5 Primary Music Challenge
- Philip Jones and Neil Drury on 12th July 2013 St Nicholas Alcester Primary Music Challenge
- Philip Jones and Neil Drury on 16 July 2013 St Huberts Y6 Forces and Rockets workshop
- Physics Factory Admin on Kingshurst Academy AQA P1 & P2 Training – 4th September 2012
A really useful insight into BTEC Physics assessment. I can already see how I will be able to guide my students towards the higher merit and distinction grades. Thanks to Phil and the team.
The BTEC Physics course day 1 was an excellent opportunity to cover the key concepts, assessment opportunities and practical investigations covered in the physics units. It was great to go ‘back to school’ and play about with the apparatus with other teachers trying out the experiments the pupils will do. The resources and help provided by the course leaders was invaluable and the level of preparation and teacher support brill! I can’t wait to deliver the new course now compared to before when I was dreading writing the tasks, the pupils will love the investigations and real life application.
100% of delegates said they thought the course was either ‘good or very good’ with 88% saying it was ‘very good’
‘Excellent day, well thought out and planned, good suggestions for assignment briefs and how to deliver the curriculum,’
‘Brilliant presentation by all the presenters who were mindful of the fact that not all the delegates were Physics specialists. Very engaging presentations with lots of ideas and hands on activities. I found the homemade battery and soil battery very interesting. The practical activities were very simple and I’m sure the pupils will enjoy these. The ideas given on how to achieve pass, merit and distinction were very useful.’
‘The shopping list given on the DVD will be very useful.’
‘Excellent Inset giving fantastic ideas on how to easily move learners from pass to merit and then to distinction.’
‘I will now write assignments based on the suggestions from the course.’
‘The course was very thorough. Practicals were demonstrated and there were opportunities for us to carry them out. The assignments were well explained and each criterion was discussed. Reaching higher attainment was well addressed.’
‘The course enabled me to carry out Physics experiments I wouldn’t have considered previously.’
‘Brilliant ideas thanks for the shopping list.’
‘Excellent cruises made me feel more secure about delivering BTEC and assessing it.’
‘Very useful ideas that should help when we produce our own assignments.’
‘The practical demonstrations were very helpful especially ideas about making batteries and a generator. The animations were very impressive too.’
‘I was impressed with the practical solutions offered by the presenters and fellow delegates when issues were raised about concerns with carrying out some of the practicals.’
‘A good course with lots of ideas. The investigations which were suggested were good but a vital issue for many schools it cost. For us we will have no choice but to come up with investigations with equipment we already have.’
BTEC Level 2 Unit 5
Training on major syllabus changes
More of the same please!
Possible revision conference where staff come into school
A level Physics training
KS4 Physics for non specialists
KS3 & KS4 Physics Factory days on different topics