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Videos included in the members area:
GCSE: Forces Day 1
1. pop pop boat
2. hairdryer
3. helium balloon P1
4. helium balloon P2
5. helium balloon P3
6. magic carpet
7. BeeSpi light gate
8. inertia – table cloth
9. inertia – coin P1
10. inertia – coin P2
11. inertia – coin P3
GCSE: Forces Day 2
1. 3rd law kitchen scales
2. 3rd law swivel chair
3. 3rd law rocket balloon
4. con of mom swivel chair
5. con of mom trolley P1
6. con of mom trolley P2
7. elastic collision
8. inelastic collision
9. stopping distances
10. resultant force & mom
11. cricket ball & mom
12. mom – egg in beaker
13. mom – egg & sheet
14. parallelogram of forces
15. balanced force
GCSE: Forces & Matter
1. 1J of work
2. energy-film canister
3. energy circus
4. steam engine
5. forklift work done
6. bouncy ball efficiency
7. efficiency wind turbine
8. hooke’s law prize
9. hooke’s law elastic limit
10. series & parallel
11. bungy cord
GCSE: Radioactivity
1. Bq story
2. history of the atom
3. ping pong ball nucleus
4. hula hoop atom
5. rutherford scattering
6. scale of the atom
7. cosmic rays & aeroplanes
8. CLEAPSS counter
9. spark counter P1
10. spark counter P2
11. spark counter P3
12. tennis balls & ionisation
13 Irradiation & strawberries
14. decay & popcorn P1
15. decay & popcorn P2
16. half-life & dice
17. half-life & beer
18. chain reaction & matches
19. chain reaction & popcorn
20. nuclear reactor
21. smoke alarm (coming soon)
GCSE: Electricity
1. sweet model P1
2. sweet model P2
3. sweet model P3
4. sweet model P4
5. sweet model P5
6. junction blocks
7. resistors- hairdryer
8. conducting putty
9. pencil & bulb
10. carbon paper
11. speed of a fan
12. variable resistor P1
13. variable resistor P2
14. current cause heating
15. current marbles P1
16. current marbles P2
17. diode & bulb
18. LED
19. LDR & torch
20. LDR light on at night
GCSE: Magnetism Day 1
1. force field
2. mag field protractor
3. mag field demonstrator1
4. mag field demonstrator2
5. induced magnets
6. magnetic globe set
7. compass magnet
8. e-magnetism discovery
9. vertical wire field
10. solenoid field
11. inv e-magnet
12. major magnet & Al nail
13. major magnet & Al foil
14. making a loudspeaker
15. Fleming’s left hand rule
GCSE: Magnetism Day 2
1. dc motor model
2. electromag induction P1
3. electromag induction P2
4. lenz’s law
5. dc generator
6. ac generator
7. loudspeaker model
8. microphone model
9. transformer & bulb
10. transformer inv
11. national grid model
GCSE: Waves Day 1
1. reflection of face P1
2. reflection of face P2
3. law of reflection & laser
4. virtual image & mirror
5. peppers ghost P1
6. peppers ghost P2
7. iphone hologram
8. toy hologram
9. real you
10. disappearing test-tube
11. refraction & laser
12. prism & acetates
13. ray box parallel rays
14. real image & convex lens
15. convex lens inv P1
16. convex lens inv P2
17. convex lens inv P3
18. eye model
19. long sighted
20. short sighted
GCSE: Waves Day 2
1. singing table speaker
2. ping pong ball
3. tuning fork splash
4. speed of sound in a solid P1
5. speed of sound in a solid P2
6. loudspeaker & ping pong balls
7. giant tuning fork vib
8. giant tuning fork 1cycle
9. giant tuning fork loud
10. giant tuning fork freq
11. longitudinal waves
12. transverse wave
13. vib flame P1
14. vib flame P2
15. sound is a longitudinal wave
16. seismic waves
17. prism & dispersion
18. uv lamp P1
19. uv lamp P2
20. speed water waves
21. Misssisispi 4Hz
22. ripple tank P1
23. ripple tank P2
24. speed string waves
GCSE: Particle Model
1. kinetic theory model
2. kinetic theory – marbles
3. density of a orange
4. density of blocks (coming soon)
5. Eureka can & cork
6. density of a 2p coin P1
7. density of a 2p coin P2
8. density of a 2p coin P3
9. density of a neutron
10. fire piston
11. shc-hot water bottle
12. shc of water – ceramic
13. shc – Al
14. storage heater
15. SLH – funnel expt
16. SLH – beaker expt
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